In the Ratio Fundamentalis, the Holy See describes the nature of theologate level of seminary formation as the “Configuration Stage.” Highlighting the place of configuration to Christ as Shepherd and Servant at this stage, the document states: “At the conclusion of…the so called discipleship stage, formation then concentrates on the configuration of the seminarian to Christ, the Shepherd and Servant, so that, united to him, he can make his life a gift of self to others” (68).
While there is a fixed structure to seminary formation, the unique realities of each man’s progress is always taken into consideration. St. Mary’s Formation Program is attentive to the unique needs of each person, which varies according to age, cultural background, life experience, personality, and family dynamics. Highlighting the importance of attentiveness to the personal needs of the men, and the practice of gradualism in their personal journey, Pastores Dabo Vobis states,
[Attention must be given to] a series of situations, problems, difficulties and different rates of progress and growth. This requires a wise flexibility. And this does not mean compromising, either as regards the conscious and free commitment of the candidates. What it does mean is a true love and a sincere respect for the person who, in conditions which are very personal, is proceeding toward the priesthood.
-Pastores Dabo Vobis, 61
Hence, the particular goal for growth in virtue might vary for each seminarian based on their level of formation, and some ongoing growing edges carried over from the college formation program.
The University of St. Thomas School of Theology is dedicated to providing outstanding theological education in the Roman Catholic tradition to develop the intellectual, spiritual and pastoral skills necessary for ordained and lay ecclesial ministry.
A complete 2023-24 Course Catalog can be found here.
Located on the campus of St. Mary’s Seminary, the School of Theology features the following degrees and programs: